Participation in the Grail is very flexible. One can be involved for a certain period or for life. It is always an involvement with others, whether professional or familiar.
The activities are developed both as a group or individually, involving other women outside of the movement.
The Grail is an ecumenical movement, participating in the evolution of contemporary theological thought, from liberation theology to that created by women aimed at rendering more current and concrete their own search for spirituality.
At the local level:
Inauguration of the new center of the Association, in Via Correggio 12 in Milan
“Women – Citizens of the World” – periodic meetings with Italian and immigrant women on various themes of interest. With this project we participated in the Lombardy Region Fund for associations of social promotion, from October 2012-2013.
- Interreligious meetings:
- with Shaza al Ali and other women from the Islamic Cultural Center, in March 2014
- with Elena Lea Bartolini, expert in Hebrew Studies and university professor, in May 2013
- with Ana Rosa Pereira, Baptist pastor, in April 2013
- with Eliana Briante, Valdesian pastor, in April 2008.
Monthly meetings on spiritual and socio-cultural themes, aimed at personal exploration and growth.
Network initiatives
- Participation in the Coordination “March 9th” in Milan and in the following meetings:
- “A Year with Pope Francis”, March 2014
- “Remembering Cardinal Martini”, March 2013
- “Family/Families”, March and May 2012
- “150 Years of Unity in Italy”, March 2011
- “Pedophile scandal, from the victim’s part – the believers question themselves”, May 2010
- “The Christian conscience confronts the crisis of cohabitation and democracy”, February 2010
- "Nocturnal conversations in Jerusalem, March 2009
- "The Church and Violence Against Women” March 2008.
- Participation in the Coordination “Women in Base Communities and not alone” and in the following meetings:
- “Taking down sets, building relationships….”, Catholic University, May 2013
- “In theory it is our bodies” , Monte Ortone, November 2011
- “The time of narration on the margins - Le sapienze del vivere e la gaia follia del trascendere”, Castelsanpietro, Ottobre 2010
- "Memories of Water – Words of Bread", Seminary Meeting - Abano Terme (PD), November 2009
- "The shadow of the Divine – reaching the limit: women’s lifecourses" - Castel San Pietro (BO), Dicembre 2008.
- Participation in the Meeting “Women and the Council” organized by the Coordinating Body of Italian Theologians, October 2012.